Creating spatial features online

Create shapefiles with hand-drawn point, linear, and polygonal features.

Draw features manually, Get the points from online map, Enclose the area, Trace the roads, tracks, streets, paths

The XTools Pro Create Features tool enables users to create new spatial features directly in their web browser. This tool supports the creation of points, lines, and polygons. It is ideal for mapping new locations or delineating areas of interest.

Creating features with this tool is straightforward and intuitive. You can create only points, polylines, polygons or features of all types of geometry at once.

This tool is beneficial for tasks such as field data collection, environmental monitoring, and urban planning:

  • drawing polygons representing different land use zones, such as residential, commercial, industrial, and green spaces.
  • creating features representing infrastructure elements like roads, railways, utilities, and public facilities.
  • creating point features to mark locations of wildlife sightings or important habitat areas.
  • creating features representing disaster-prone areas, evacuation routes, and locations of emergency shelters.
  • drawing features to represent proposed development sites, access roads, and utility connections.